Sunday, October 6, 2024

Intercropping: A Smart Gardening Strategy

Intercropping is a gardening technique that involves planting short-season crops between taller ones. This practice offers several benefits:

Advantages of Intercropping:

Efficient Space Utilization: By planting smaller crops between taller ones, you can make the most of your garden space, increasing your overall yield.
Improved Soil Health: Short-season crops can help to improve soil health by adding organic matter and nitrogen as they decompose.
Pest and Disease Control: Certain plant combinations can help to repel pests or attract beneficial insects, reducing the need for chemical treatments.
Shade Protection: Taller plants can provide shade for shorter ones, which can be beneficial in hot, dry climates.
Succession Planting: Intercropping allows you to harvest multiple crops throughout the growing season, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh produce.

Popular Intercropping Combinations:

Radishes and Carrots: Radishes mature quickly and can be harvested before they interfere with the growth of carrots.

Lettuce and Corn: Lettuce can be planted between rows of corn and harvested before the corn becomes too tall.

Beans and Tomatoes: Beans can be grown on trellises or poles, allowing tomatoes to grow beneath them.

Marigolds and Vegetables: Marigolds can help to repel pests like nematodes and can be planted between rows of vegetables.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Organic And All Natural Options To Boost Immunity

Flu and cold season is usually in the late fall and winter but you can get sick anytime. The best way to fight these conditions is to have an immune system that protects you from the beginning and that can keep you from getting sick in the first place.

Diet, herbs, and tonics can go a long way toward naturally improving your immune system so you don’t get sick.

Dietary Habits

It all begins with diet if you want a good immune system. Don’t flood your system with processed foods and instead eat immune-fighting fruits and vegetables.

Organic Power Foods

To enjoy all the benefits of a good immune system eat a lot of fresh, raw organic produce. The fresher the food, the more enzymes, and delicate proteins remain in the food you are eating.

Organic produce is grown without pesticides, and organic farming actually increases the amount of nutrients that the fruits and vegetables provide. The fresher the food, the more enzymes, and delicate proteins remain in the food you are eating.

There are many antioxidants in food that will keep your cells healthy enough to block invasions by bacteria and viruses. Fresh produce is high in antioxidants, including the all-important beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E. These are found in colorful fruits and vegetables, and especially those with purple, blue, red, orange, and yellow hues.

Oranges are high in vitamin C, but chili peppers, red and green bell peppers, kale, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kiwi, broccoli, papaya and strawberries actually have more. A multivitamin with a lot of vitamin C in it can help you if you don’t always have access to healthy foods. Take one vitamin a day and add extra vitamin C if you feel an illness coming on.

Beta-carotene is found in apricots, turnip and collard greens, tangerines, tomatoes, and watermelon, nectarines, peaches, pink grapefruit, pumpkin, asparagus, beets, broccoli, cantaloupe, carrots, corn, green peppers, kale, mangoes, squash, spinach, and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin E is found in broccoli, mustard and turnip greens, mangoes, nuts, papaya, carrots, chard, pumpkin, red peppers, spinach, and sunflower seeds.

Raisins, eggplant, Plums, Red grapes, apples, onions, beans, and alfalfa sprouts are also high in antioxidants.

Those who don’t eat well can take supplements as soon as they feel like they are coming down with something so that they can calm the ill before they feel too bad.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is something that many multivitamins don’t give us enough of. You need vitamin D for proper bone metabolism and overall good health so, unless you know your vitamin D level is good, take a 1000-2000 mg vitamin D supplement daily.



Eat a salad every day that is mixed with raw garlic. Garlic is a natural immune enhancer that also helps the liver function better. Avoid plain white sugar, trans fats, highly processed foods, or foods containing high fructose corn syrup. Foods with artificial preservatives, flavors, and coloring are not meant to be eaten by a healthy body.

Amazon has this lemon peel powder click here- (#ad)

Homemade DIY Vitamin Mixture

You can make your own vitamin mixture by putting these ingredients together and mixing a teaspoon or two with water before drinking:

• Alfalfa grass powder
• Wheat grass powder
• Beet root powder
• Barley grass powder
• Norwegian Purple Dulse Seaweed powder
• Spinach leaf powder
• Orange peel powder
• Astragalus powder
• Lemon peel powder
• Rosehip powder
• Spirulina Green Algae—1 ½ parts by volume when compared to the rest
• Chlorella Broken cell algae—1 ½ parts by volume
• Yeast flakes—5 parts when compared to the other ingredients
• Yeast powder—5 parts when compared to the other ingredients

These ingredients when taken as directed above will be one of the best natural multivitamins you can get your hands on.

Try apple cider vinegar for sinus or throat ailments. It makes your breath smell a bit like old shoes but you will feel better overall. Drink a lot of fluids and try detoxifying your body with stevia-sweetened cranberry lemonade mixed with cayenne pepper. All of these agents will fight infections.

For Flu Prevention

This natural mixture makes for good influenza protection. Mix two ounces each of turmeric, ginger, wheatgrass, cranberries, and lemon and put them in a juice extractor. Drink each two-ounce shot separately for the easiest time on your stomach. Your immune system will be strong, especially during flu season when everyone is sick around you. Take a shot of each of the above juices once daily before eating anything else.


Echinacea is good for prevention and treatment of viral infections, especially when you mix it with a source of vitamin C. Take Echinacea every day for a week but no longer. If you still feel you need it after a five day rest period, you can do another week of it.


Goldenseal can be used to fight both parasites and viruses. It keeps the blood clean but should be taken with black radish so it doesn’t stress the liver. Black radish has its own antiviral, anti-parasitic, and antibacterial properties.

Another good tonic involves mixing a handful of chopped onions, garlic, chopped ginger, and horseradish with a half handful of habanero peppers. Blend them all with apple cider vinegar. Take a couple of tablespoons right away and let the rest sit for a couple of weeks until it can be strained into a tincture and mixed with water for anti-infective properties.

All of these remedies can be made completely with organic materials so you can keep your organic lifestyle while keeping you healthy at the same time.

Organic Home Gardening 101

Have you ever tasted a tomato that you didn’t buy from the grocery store? If the answer to this question is no then you’ve been robbed, my friend! Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to only have access to store bought foods. Living in bustling cities where you’re more likely to see buildings than a skyline, it becomes difficult to access farm fresh produce.

Many of the fruits and vegetables we eat come from other parts of the globe, which means they’ve been bathed in preservatives just to make it to your table. Eating organic means eating clean fruits and vegetables, and you can buy them at a Farmer’s market or your grocer.

But, what if there are several varieties of edible plants you could grow in your own backyard? What if a yard wasn’t even necessary?

Health Benefits

CNN explains that home gardening has several benefits beyond nutrition. Most Americans spend Monday through Friday sitting at a desk for 8-hours only to come home and do the same. Gardening gets you outside and moving!

You’re lifting bags of soil, reaching deep into your garden beds getting a good stretch and moving around more than you did the entire day. Having a garden not only benefits you physically, but studies have shown that it helps your emotional health as well. It reduces stress and depression and even promotes general brain health by improving memory, among other things.

Getting Started

• One of the most important things to consider when starting an edible, organic garden is the planting zone you live in. This determines which plants will thrive in a given environment. is a great place to find out which zone you’re in, so take a look before you map out your garden. If you’re living in an apartment and plan on having an indoor garden this won’t matter as much since your plants will generally just need a certain amount of sunlight, watering and feeding to thrive.

• Second important thing in getting started is deciding what you like to eat! Choose plant varieties that you know you’ll consume regularly and read up on them. You don’t want to plant a lemon tree just to have it dumping decaying fruit all over your yard. Plus, you’ll be more likely to properly care for your plants if they’re something you really enjoy eating. Some of the best plants to start with are fresh herbs.

They’re low maintenance, work for both indoor and outdoor gardens, and preserve nicely. A useful tip is to freeze herbs in olive oil. They’ll stay fresh and you’ll cut down on waste, not to mention cooking time. Just toss a frozen olive oil cube containing your favorite herb into a skillet and you’re good to go!

  • Third, choose a plant varietal that fits into your schedule. Fact of the matter is that some plants are more finicky than others are and will require more of your attention.

    The easiest plants to grow for beginners are:
    • Greens
    • Tomatoes
    • Cucumbers
    • Carrots
    • Radishes
    • Zucchini
    • Green beans

  • Keeping It Going

    Once you’ve figured out what you’ll be growing in your garden, you have to figure out how to keep it blossoming. As much as we’d like to hope that you can “set it and forget it,” your garden will need regular TLC. But don’t let that scare you off! There are tons of helpful tools to assist you in staying on top of things.

    For example, Smart Gardner app is a free app that helps you plan the layout of your garden, find plant varietals appropriate for your planting zone, and even sends you weekly To Do notifications to help you stay on track.

    Also, enlist the help of your family members or others in the household. Encouraging children to grow their own food not only teaches them a skill but also demonstrates responsibility in caring for something other than themselves. Serving the foods you’ve harvested from your homegrown garden will give everyone a sense of accomplishment and pride.

    Organic gardening will take some effort to start but once it gets going you’ll soon realize the fruits of your labor (pun intended). It is an incredibly satisfying feeling to feed yourself and loved ones something that you’ve grown with your bare hands, and not to mention, outrageously delicious.

    Friday, September 6, 2024

    Gardening Tips for Growing Conditions

    Understanding your garden's growing conditions is essential for a successful harvest.

    Here are some key factors to consider:

    Shade-loving plants


    Identify Sunny Spots: Most plants require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Use a sundial or app to track sunlight patterns in your yard.
    Consider Shade-Loving Plants: If you have shaded areas, opt for plants that thrive in low light, such as ferns, hostas, and impatiens.



    Test Soil pH: Many plants prefer a neutral pH (around 6.5-7.0). Use a soil testing kit to determine your soil's pH and make adjustments if necessary.
    Improve Soil Texture: Add organic matter like compost or well-rotted manure to improve soil structure and drainage.
    Avoid Compacted Soil: Avoid working in wet soil, as it can become compacted and hinder root growth.

    Watering roses


    Adequate Watering: Ensure plants receive enough water, especially during hot, dry periods. Water deeply in the morning to allow excess moisture to evaporate.
    Drainage: Avoid overwatering, as it can lead to root rot. Ensure your garden has good drainage to prevent waterlogging.



    Know Your Climate: Research the average temperature in your area and select plants that are suited to your climate.
    Protect Against Frost: Use row covers or cold frames to protect plants from frost during cold spells.

    Lady bug

    Pests and Diseases

    Monitor for Problems: Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests or diseases.
    Preventative Measures: Use organic pest control methods like companion planting, neem oil, or insecticidal soap.


    Other Considerations

    Wind: Consider wind exposure, as it can affect plant health and growth. Choose wind-tolerant varieties or provide wind protection.
    Wildlife: Be aware of local wildlife that may damage your garden, such as deer, rabbits, or squirrels. Take appropriate measures to deter them.

    By understanding and addressing these factors, you can create a thriving garden that produces healthy and bountiful harvests.

    Building a Pallet Garden: A Step-by-Step Guide

    Pallet gardening is a popular and sustainable way to grow plants in limited space. It involves repurposing wooden pallets as raised garden beds.

    Here's a comprehensive guide to building your own pallet garden:

    Materials Needed:

    Wooden pallets: Ensure they are free from any chemicals or pesticides.
    Soil: A well-draining potting mix or garden soil.
    Drainage materials: Gravel or rocks.
    Tools: Saw, hammer, nails, drill, and level.
    Optional: Weed barrier fabric, landscape fabric, and decorative elements.

    Step-by-Step Instructions:

    Prepare the Pallets:

  • Inspect the pallets for any damage and repair if necessary.
  • Remove any nails or staples that could harm plants.
  • Sand the edges to prevent injuries.
  • Create the Base:

  • Choose a level spot for your garden.
  • Place the pallets on top of each other to create the desired height.
  • Secure the pallets together using nails or screws.
  • Add Drainage:

  • Place a layer of gravel or rocks at the bottom of the pallet garden to improve drainage.
  • Line with Weed Barrier (Optional):

  • If you want to prevent weeds from growing through the soil, add a weed barrier fabric before adding the soil.
  • Fill with Soil:

  • Fill the pallet garden with a high-quality potting mix or garden soil.
  • Ensure the soil is evenly distributed.

    Plant Your Seeds or Plants:

  • Follow the planting instructions for your chosen plants.
  • Consider the spacing requirements for each plant.

    Tips for Successful Pallet Gardening:

    Watering: Water regularly, especially during dry periods. Avoid overwatering.
    Fertilizing: Use a balanced fertilizer to provide essential nutrients.
    Pest and Disease Control: Monitor your plants for pests and diseases, and take appropriate action.
    Maintenance: Regularly weed and remove dead or damaged plants.
    Winter Protection: If you live in a cold climate, protect your plants from frost by covering the garden with a frost blanket or moving potted plants indoors.

    Additional Considerations:

    Pallet Quality: Ensure the pallets are treated or naturally resistant to rot and pests.
    Garden Style: Customize your pallet garden with decorative elements like trellises, hanging baskets, or colorful pots.
    Space Limitations: If you have limited space, consider vertical gardening techniques or smaller pallet designs.

    By following these steps and tips, you can create a beautiful and productive pallet garden in your own backyard.

  • Sunday, February 11, 2024

    Spices vs. Herbs

    Spices and herbs are both used to enhance the flavor of foods, but they come from different parts of plants and are used in different ways in cooking.

    Here's a breakdown of their main differences:

    Collection of Spices

    Source: Spices come from the non-leafy parts of plants. This includes roots, bark, seeds, berries, and fruits.
    Flavor Profile: Generally, spices have a stronger flavor than herbs. They can add heat, sweetness, or a unique taste to dishes.
    Usage: Spices are often used in their dried form, which intensifies their flavor. They can be added at the beginning of cooking to develop depth and complexity.
    Examples: Cinnamon (from the bark of cinnamon trees), nutmeg (from the seed of the nutmeg tree), and black pepper (from the berries of the pepper plant).


    Source: Herbs are usually derived from the leafy and green parts of plants. Flavor Profile: Herbs tend to have a more subtle flavor compared to spices. They are often used to add freshness and aroma to dishes.
    Usage: Herbs can be used fresh or dried, although fresh herbs are usually added towards the end of cooking to preserve their flavor.
    Examples: Basil, parsley, and mint, all of which are leaves from their respective plants.

    In culinary use, the distinction between herbs and spices is largely based on the part of the plant from which they are obtained and their flavor profile. Both are crucial in adding depth and interest to dishes around the world.

    Saturday, January 6, 2024

    Sweet Potatoes vs Yams


    Sweet potatoes and yams are often confused, but they are actually quite different in several aspects.

    Here are some key differences:

    Origin and Botany:
    --Sweet potatoes are native to the Americas and belong to the morning glory family, Convolvulaceae.
    --Yams, on the other hand, are native to Africa and Asia, and belong to the Dioscoreaceae family.
    --This fundamental botanical difference means they are not closely related.

    --Sweet potatoes typically have smooth, thin skin with flesh that can range in color from white to orange and even purple.
    --Yams have a rougher, bark-like skin and the flesh can be white, yellow, or purple.
    --In terms of size, yams can grow much larger than sweet potatoes.

    Sweet potato plot

    Taste and Texture:
    --Sweet potatoes, as their name suggests, have a sweeter taste and a creamy texture when cooked.
    --Yams are less sweet, often more starchy, and can be drier than sweet potatoes.

    Nutritional Content:
    --Both are nutritious, but sweet potatoes are higher in vitamins A and C, while yams are a better source of fiber and potassium.

    Culinary Uses:
    --In cooking, sweet potatoes are often used in both savory and sweet dishes.
    --They're popular in American Thanksgiving dishes, like sweet potato pie.
    --Yams, which are more common in African, Caribbean, and Asian cuisines, are often used in stews, soups, and fried or boiled as a side dish.

    --In many Western countries, true yams are less commonly found in mainstream grocery stores and are more likely to be found in international or specialty markets. --What is often labeled as 'yam' in these countries is usually a variety of sweet potato.


    It's important to note that the terms "sweet potato" and "yam" are used interchangeably in some regions, but they refer to distinctly different plants with different culinary attributes.

    <h1>Intercropping: A Smart Gardening Strategy</h1>

    Intercropping is a gardening technique that involves planting short-season crops between taller ones. This practice offers several benefit...